Sunday 3 June 2012

New Macros

Just a couple of photos I uploaded recently to flicker, which I am quite fond of, for it takes quite a bit of patience to get clear shots such as the one of this Moth, especially at night and whist it is on the hand of the person taking the photo =]

[Click image for larger view]

This photo of flies on some poop, (courtesy of my rabbit) is quite interesting to me, for I like to study the life of insects, I find them very fascinating, even more so the smaller they are. The reason for this is that it just seems so surreal to me that these little machines, are so small and have all these little working parts (legs, wings etc) and just chug along beneath our feet or hover above our heads. Go grab a magnifying glass and go educate yourselves about the marvellous world of the small beings! You'll be surprised by what you find ;]

 [Click image for larger view]

Anyway I hope you guys enjoy them.


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